1022: Marcia Dawood + Sue Bevan Baggott
1022: Marcia Dawood + Sue Bevan Baggott - "Do Good While Doing Well"
1020: Shannon & Matthew Missimer
1020: Shannon & Matthew Missimer - "The Motion of Gratitude"
1039: Robin Dreeke - “Unbreakable Alliances”
1038: Richard Gordon - “Unconventional Times”
1037: Kiva Schuler - "The Peaceful Parenting (R)evolution"
1036: Ulrika Eriksson- "Thriving in Mindfulness"
1035: Adele Smolansky - "AI-Learners"
1034: Daisy Auger-Dominguez - "Redefining Workplace Culture"
1033: Jessica Kriegel - "Navigating Workplace Culture"
1032: Julie Winkle Giulioni - "Thriving Through Workplace"
1031: Sue Hitzmann - "Anatomical Gangster"
1030: Elizabeth Lotardo - "Leading Yourself"
1029: Rachel Madorsky - "Empowering Self Love"
1028: Lee Heyward - "Unforgettable Brand Identity"
1027: Tamsen Webster - "Say What They Can't Unhear"
1026: Emmilia O'Sullivan - "Overcoming the Impossible"
1025: Tracy Fink & Joy Solomon - "Our Dead Mothers"
1024: Belle Rape - "Blueprint by Belle"
1023: Pete Schramm - "Pathfinders"
1022: Marcia Dawood + Sue Bevan Baggott - "Do Good While Doing Well"
1021: Elyssa Smith - "Overcoming Trauma and Self - Sabotage"
1020: Shannon & Matthew Missimer - "The Motion of Gratitude"