Michael Bungay Stanier & Lou Diamond
MASHUP Episode on Thrive LouD
Michael Bungay Stanier (“MBS”) is the author of seven books which between them have sold over a million copies. He’s best known for The Coaching Habit, the best-selling coaching book of the century and already recognized as a classic. He’s also got a new book coming soon, How to Begin, helps people be more ambitious for themselves and for the world. Michael was a Rhodes Scholar and plays the ukulele badly. He’s Australian, and lives in Toronto, Canada.
In this Speak Easy Mashup (SEM) Episode, MBS and Lou pretend they’re behind the bar mixing up some fun concoctions as The Coaching Habit and Lou Diamond’s Speak Easy are blended together into one spectacular listen.
Click this link to order a copy of SPEAK EASY
Michael Bungay Stanier’s “The Coaching Habit” & Lou Diamond’s “SPEAK EASY”